Welcome to yet another Hacking Truths manual. Although this manual
comes after a long break, it is really nice to get back to writing
for HT. Anyway, in the past, we have had a number of explanations
on how to send forged emails, how to play with the Sendmail daemon,
email headers and everything else to do with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol) and emails. Although this manual too throws light on related
matter, it is however more focused on advanced tips and tricks and
other uncommon but extremely useful pieces of information.
we have already learnt how one can, telnet to Port 25 of a mail
server and send an email (even a forged email) by simply typing
out some SMTP commands. However, for the benefit of beginners and
to refresh the memory of experienced but forgetful people, we would
quickly be going through the process. I promise to make it as short
as possible, at the same time easy to understand.
25 is the Sendmail Port where the SMTP daemon runs. This daemon
is infact the daemon handling all the outgoing mails. All email
clients send mail by connecting to Port 25 of the mail server and
issuing SMTP commands. This process is automated and occurs in the
background. However, one could also manually connect (telnet) to
Port 25 of a mail server and manually type out the SMTP commands
in order to send emails. So the basic outline of the entire process
as below. For details regarding the usage of individual commands,
simply type the word æhelpÆ followed by the command at the Sendmail
below sends a mail from ankit@bol.net.in
to namitas@bol.net.in by
issuing SMTP commands to the mail server: mail.isp.com Responses
from the mail sever have a number preceding them while the commands
typed by the user do not have any number preceding.
C:\windows>telnet mail.isp.com
220 mail.isp.com ESMTP Sendmail
8.9.1 ( Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:18:50 +0530 (IST)
helo ankit.com
250-mail.isp.com Hello [203.xx.yyy.91],
pleased to meet you
mail from: ankit@bol.net.in
250 ankit@bol.net.in... Sender
rcpt to: namitas@bol.net.in
250 namitas@bol.net.in...
Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "."
on a line by itself
This is the part where the
body of the message is typed in.
250 RAA0000001693 Message
accepted for delivery
headers of the above email as seen by the recipient is as follows:
Return-Path: <ankit@bol.net.in>
Received: from ankit.com by
mail.isp.com (8.9.1/
id RAA0000001693; Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:19:49 +0530 (IST)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:19:49
+0530 (IST)
From: Ankit Fadia <ankit@bol.net.in>
Message-Id: <200012071149.RAA0000001693@mail.isp.com>
X-UIDL: 920156a3b926c5193036933e6d04efd5
This is the part where the
body of the message is typed in.
now that we have recalled the basic outline of the process of manually
sending an email, let us move on with the main subject of this manual.
Subject Field Un-subjected
ever since I released the manual on sending forged emails (Sending
emails using SMTP commands) I have received a number of emails asking
me questions like: ôHow to Specify the Subject of an email sent
manually by connecting to Port 25 of a systemö. Or ôHow to Specify
CC and BCC recipients when doing the same?ö Well, in this section we discuss just
let us learn how to specify the subject of an email engineered manually
by SMTP commands. Well, the process of specifying the Subject remains
pretty much similar to the normal process of sending emails manually.
Actually all the commands remain the same until we reach the ædataÆ
command. After we issue the ædataÆ command, the remote mail server
will reply with the below message:
354 Enter mail, end with "."
on a line by itself
server response means that we can start typing the body of our message
now. However, it also indirectly specifies that this is the time
that we type in the Subject of the email. We can specify the subject
of the email as follows:
Subject: Hi
æsubject:Æ is the keyword, which tells the mail server that you
are ready to type in your subject and æHiÆ, is the subject of your
choice. You can continue with the body of the email by pressing
the æEnterÆ key and typing in the characters. The end with the:
æ . æ(Period) and everything else remains the same.
us go though the entire process, step by step. Please note that
I have inserted comments wherever necessary within brackets. Both
the brackets and the characters within the brackets are not a part
of the actual commands.
For this example, we need to keep the following
pieces of information in mind:
Server: mail.isp.com
Email Address: namitas@bol.net.in
Email Address: ankit@bol.net.in
This is a test message
C:\windows>telnet mail.isp.com
220 mail.isp.com ESMTP Sendmail
8.9.1 ( Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:18:50 +0530 (IST)
helo ankit.com
250-mail.isp.com Hello [203.xx.yyy.91],
pleased to meet you
mail from: ankit@bol.net.in
250 ankit@bol.net.in... Sender
rcpt to: namitas@bol.net.in
250 namitas@bol.net.in...
Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "."
on a line by itself
subject: Hi!!!
This is a test message
250 RAA0000001693 Message
accepted for delivery
if you examine the headers of this email, you will find that they
unlike the headers that we viewed earlier in the manual will have
a separate Subject line.
Return-Path: <ankit@bol.net.in>
Received: from ankit.com by
mail.isp.com (8.9.1/
id RAA0000001693; Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:19:49 +0530 (IST)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:19:49
+0530 (IST)
From: Ankit Fadia <ankit@bol.net.in>
Message-Id: <200012071149.RAA0000001693@mail.isp.com>
Subject: Hi!!!!
X-UIDL: 920156a3b926c5193036933e6d04efd5
This is a test message
and BCCÆs
are the SMTP commands equivalent to the BCC and CC fields of your
email client? Well, this question has only one simply answer: none.
The following few lines will tell us why.
understand the answer to the above question, let us first understand
how exactly does an email client handle a CC or a BCC. How does
it do what we are supposed to do with the CC and BCC features?
when you hit the Send button, then your email client connects to
Port 25 of the mail server that you specified during the configuration
time. Then it will issue SMTP commands to the remote mail server
and send it the required information. And in this process your email
is sent. The order in which the various SMTP commands are given
is same as described earlier.
when you have only a single recipient, then your email client issues
only a single æRCPT TO:Æ command, to the mail server. However, when
there is more than a single recipient, then the email client issues
multiple instances of æRCPT TO:Æ Or in other words, when the
CC field of your email client is not empty then multiple RCPT commands
are issued.
see the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol does not provide any special
command for CCÆing an email to someone. The entire concept of CC
relies on the issue of multiple RCPT commands to the mail server.
The same is the case when you have multiple recipients in the æTo:Æ
field of the email client. So basically this means that it really
doesnÆt matter whether you add a recipientÆs email address to the
CC field or to the æTo:Æ field. The SMTP command issued and the
headers created will remain the same.
us take a practical example to make it clearer. The recipientsÆ
list for this example is as follows:
ankit@bol.net.in; ankitfadia@hotmail.com
ankit_Fadia@hotmail.com ; namitas@bol.net.in
this case, the following are the commands, which will send a blank
email with the subject ætestÆ from the email address: test@bol.net.in to the above list of recipients.
C:\windows>telnet mail.isp.com
220 mail.isp.com ESMTP Sendmail
8.9.1 ( Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:18:50 +0530 (IST)
helo ankit.com
250-mail.isp.com Hello [203.xx.yyy.91],
pleased to meet you
mail from: test@bol.net.in
250 test@bol.net.in... Sender
rcpt to: ankit@bol.net.in
250 ankit@bol.net.in... Recipient
rcpt to: ankitfadia@hotmail.com
250 ankitfadia@hotmail.com...
Recipient ok
rcpt to: ankit_fadia@hotmail.com
250 ankit_Fadia@hotmail.com...
Recipient ok
rcpt to: namitas@bol.net.in
250 namitas@bol.net.in...
Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "."
on a line by itself
subject: Test
250 RAA0000001693 Message
accepted for delivery
it? Now, let us move on to as to how BCC works.
in the above case i.e. in the case of CC, the email client used
multiple RCPTÆs in the same SMTP session to send the same email
to multiple recipients. However, in such a case the email any recipient
can view the email addresses of all the recipients. The reason behind
this privacy invasion is the fact that a single email sent to either
a single or multiple recipients has to have the same exact email
headers. This means that all recipients in the æCCÆ and æToÆ fields
of the same email have to have the same email headers. This is due
to the fact that the email addresses of all the recipients were
given to the mail server during the same SMTP session. All this
may sound quite vague and weird. If that is the case, then read
the following paragraphs to understand better.
when you CC a single email to multiple recipients (Say 3) then the
following procedure takes place:
Client Starts Session at remote mail server.
introduces itself and the sender.
uses multiple RCPT commands to send the same email to multiple recipients.
email client disconnects.
the email addresses of all the recipients are mentioned in the same
session at the remote mail server, they constitute the same email
headers. Thus all the recipients are able to view the email addresses
to which this email was sent.
in a situation, when we BCC the same email to multiple recipients
(Say 2) then the following procedure takes place:
Client Starts Session at remote mail server.
introduces itself and the sender.
uses a single RCPT commands to send the same email to the first
email address in the BCC list.
email client disconnects.
again starts a new session at the remote server.
again introduces itself and the sender.
uses a single RCPT commands to send the same email to the second
email address in the BCC list.
email client disconnects, once again.
this case, each recipient was sent an email through a unique session
at the remote mail server, thus each recipient received unique email
headers and the identity of none of the other recipients in the
BCC list was not given away.
above description of the usage of CC and BCC is based on how Outlook
Express works. However, actually Sendmail does provide a manner
in which the CC recipients can be specified. After giving the DATA
command, one can give the CC list by giving the following command:
giving the BCC command instead of CC does not produce the desired
Attachments through Sendmail
MIME attachments are used to transfer files attached to an email.
MIME attachments use Base64 encoding to encode the binary data.
Earlier another encoding standard was used, which was called the
Uuencode encoding standard. You can send attachments through Sendmail
using any of the above methods.
or Unix-to-Unix encoding is an encoding standard, which converts
all kinds of files into ASCII for safe transmission over Networks.
Files, which are to be sent over networks, are encoded at the senderÆs
end and decoded at the receiverÆs end. This ensures that files (attachments)
can be transferred over different kinds of networks, systems routers
etc without any loss. However, this method turned out be corruption
prone and is thus not the most preferred one.
to a University, the basic mechanism of UU-encoding is as follows:
The basic scheme is to break groups of 3 eight-bit
characters (24 bits) into 4 six-bit characters and then add 32 (a
space) to each six-bit character, which maps it into the readily
transmittable character. Another way of phrasing this is to say
that the encoded 6 bit characters are mapped into the set: `!"#$%&'()*+,-./012356789:;<=>?@ABC...XYZ[\]^_
for transmission over communications lines.
Such encoding increases the file size by about
42%. So, the mechanism of UU-encoding can be concluded as follows:
File is Uuencoded at senderÆs end ---------------------> File is Uudecoded at the
receiverÆs end.
All attachments too can be sent over
networks in uuencoded form.
You see if you enter the uuencoded
code of any file after you have issued the DATA command at the Sendmail
prompt, then the recipient will be able to receive the attachment
and view it too. Almost all email clients allow Uudecoding. (Even
if the email client used by the recipient does not allow Uudecoding
then are several utilities, which do it for you.) All files including
images, audio files, video files, text files etc can be encoded
by the Uuencoding standard to obtain the uuencoded code.
The method by which attachments in
the form of their uuencoded form can be sent as attachments is a
2-step process-:
Converting the file to be sent as
an attachment into uuencoded form.
Given the uuencoded form to the mail
server after the DATA command.
Let, us first tackle the first step:
If you are using a Windows platform,
then all you need to perform Uuencoding is WinZip. If you do not
already have WinZip, then you could get it from: http://www.winzip.com/
WinZip can easily be used for obtaining
the Uuencode of any file. Simply create a new archive containing
the file you want to Uuencode and select Action > Uuencode. You
could also simply press Shift + U.
WinZip will save the Uuencode form
of the .zip file in the form: filename.uue
A typical .uue file (In this case of an image file) would be as
_=_ Part 001 of 001 of file new.zip
begin 666 new.zip
The first few lines are only comments
added by WinZip and are not actually a part of the Uuencoded code.
So, simply eliminate everything above the following line:
begin 666 new.zip
This gives you the Uuencode code of
the file you want to transmit as an attachment using Sendmail.
you are on a Unix platform then getting the Uuencode of a file becomes
extremely easy. Simply go to the Unix shell so you can use uuencode
on the file you're trying to send. For purposes of this example,
let's presume the file you're trying to send is called "myfile.doc".
At the Unix shell prompt, type the
uuencode myfile.doc myfile.doc > tempfile.uu
This tells the uuencode command to
encode the file "myfile.doc" and store the name "myfile.doc" in
the resulting encoded file. The results are then redirected (by
the > sign) into another file that you'll place into your mail
message later.
DOS versions of this utility are also
easily available at various download sites.
Now, once you have encoded the file
and obtained the Uuencoded form, then all you need to do is Copy
it and Paste it after the DATA command has been issued at the Sendmail
prompt. This will send the file as an attachment.
This was the method in which one can
send attachment using the Uuencoding standard. I will describe how
to send attachments using the new MIME standard in the later version
of this manual.
More Sendmail
Tips and Tricks
Normally when you connect to the Sendmail
Port of a system, then you only have standard SMTP commands available
to you. Although they are more than what you will ever need, however,
for those of you who like to play with various options, there are
also some other commands, which are by default not available to
What I am talking about here is ESMTP
commands or Extended Mail Transfer Protocol commands. A mail server
with ESMTP enabled decides whether these ESMTP commands are available
to the client on the basis of how the client introduces itself to
it. Now, normally you introduce yourself by giving the below command:
HELO domain
Now, when you introduce yourself using
the HELO command, then most mail servers by default make only the
SMTP commands available to the client. Now, in order to make sure
that even the ESMTP commands are available to you, you need to introduce
yourself to the server by the EHLO command. For Example:
ehlo ankit.com
if the mail server you are connected to, has ESMTP enabled, then
it will respond by giving a list of ESMTP commands. Something like
the below:
mail.isp.com ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.1 ( Thu,
7 Dec2000 17:18:50 +0530 (IST)
ehlo ankit.com
250-mail.isp.com Hello [203.xx.yy.91], pleased to meet you
HACKING TRUTH: One way of finding out whether your ISP has
ESMTP commands enabled, is to see the daemon banner that comes up,
when you telnet to Port 25 of its mail server. The word æESMTPÆ
tells you that such commands are available. For Example,
mail.isp.com ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.1 ( Thu,
7 Dec2000 17:18:50 +0530 (IST)